Clarifications on Tender has been Updated
Posting Date: 8 August, 2012
2014 (7)
The last date of submission of ROI for A 4 Lane 48 Kilometer Controlled Access Toll Road on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Basis is 24 December 2014 3.00pm (BST)
11 December, 2014 |
The Procedures for Implementation of PPP Policy and Strategy for Unsolicited Proposals, 2014 has been published
11 December, 2014 |
ROI for A 4 Lane 48 Kilometer Controlled Access Toll Road on Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis has been issued
20 November, 2014 |
The last date of submission of the RFP for Establishment of Two Out Patient Hemodialysis Centres at NIKDU, Dhaka & CMCH, Chittagong on PPP basis is May 11, 2014 3.00PM (BST)
04 May, 2014 |
EOI for Appointment of national individual consultant for package no. S30, S32 and international individual consultant for package no. S31 has been published
9 April, 2014 |
ROI for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of a Multi Mode Surveillance System (Radar, Ads-B Wide Area Multilateration-Wam) Along with Atc and Communication System at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (Hsia), Dhaka on PPP Project has been published
24 March, 2014 |
RFP of Establishment of Two Out Patient Hemodialysis Centres at NIKDU, Dhaka & CMCH, Chittagong on PPP basis has been published
3 February, 2014 |
2013 (10)
PPP Law gets Cabinet approval
29 October, 2013 |
The last date of submission of the ROI for the Healthcare Facility at Sreemangal, Sylhet on PPP basis is October 24, 2013 5.00PM (BST)
8 October, 2013 |
PPP Office location has been changed
20 September, 2013 |
ROI for Establishment of a Healthcare Facility at Sreemangal, Sylhet on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Basis has been published
26 August, 2013 |
The closing date for the receipt of the Pre-Qualification for Development Of Two Jetties At Mongla Port On Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Basis will be 01 July 2013, 3.00PM
29 June, 2013 |
RFQ for Development of Two Jetties at Mongla Port On Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Basis has been published
22 May, 2013 |
Invitation for Prequalification for Development of Two Jetties at Mongla Port on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Basis has been published.
2 May, 2013 |
Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) for Selection of Legal Firm
2 April, 2013 |
Request for Registration of Interest for Establishment of Hemodialysis Centers at NIKDU and CMCH on PPP basis has been issued
28 March, 2013 |
PPP Law 2013 (Draft) has been attached
6 February, 2013 |
2012 (7) |
PPP Global Investors' Forum website has been launched
6 November, 2012 |
Guideline for PPPTAF 2012 & Scheme for PPPTAF 2012 has been published
9 September, 2012 |
Clarifications on Tender has been Updated
8 August, 2012 |
Remarkable Progress Achieved in the Country's PPP Preparation
14 July, 2012 |
Tender Launch for Shortlisting PPP Transaction Advisory Firms
10 July, 2012 |
Tender Launch for PPP Experts
17 June, 2012 |
Launch of PPP Stakeholder Consultation for the National PPP Program
15 March, 2012 |